Micro entrepreneur and French health system?

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My wife and I have owned a holiday apartment in France for the past eight years while I have worked in Africa vacationing in France.  She does not work and shares her time between France and Ireland, her homeland and where we have an apartment. I recently stopped work and we would like to live in France full-time now, intending to buying an apartment as an investment for rental in the holiday market.

Before the start of this year, my wife, who’s past vocation was craft work, could have registered as an auto-entrepreneur business in France and we would have both been covered by the French health system. From what I read, micro-entrepreneur seems to have changed that and we will now need to register two individual businesses in order to qualify for health cover:

  1. My wife’s activity will include buying and selling as well as modifying craft into artwork. Do you agree that this should fall into the trading/resale category?
  2. Will managing, maintaining and renting an apartment fall into the micro-entrepreneur or micro BIC regime?
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