Micro Entrepreneur going above the versement liberatoire limit

· Viewed 462 times

I am a Micro Entrepreneur and was running a chambre d’hotes but have changed to teaching (online). I was in the versement liberatoire system, and I did quarterly declarations.

I got my attestation fiscale for 2022 and there was a message on it pointing out that I had gone over the earnings limit for the versement liberatoire system, which is 27 519€.

1) What should I do to get off the versement liberatoire system because it is still asking me for quarterly declarations on my URSSAF account? And, once off it, how are the tax and social charges calculated?

2) What is the structure that I would be under? Still a micro entrepreneur? Will I still be able to manage without an accountant?

3) I see that there is tax payable on different amounts. Eg. 0% up to 10 777€; 11% on 10 778 - 27479€; 30% on 27 479 - 78 570€.
This would be considerably less than I was paying under the versement liberatoire system.
But how about social charges? How much are they?
Can I claim for any expenses or is there an assumed allowance?

Sorry, lots of questions. I’m just trying to get it straight in my head!!

Many thanks

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