Micro entrepreneur Invoice exceeding 34500€

· Viewed 661 times

If you remember, Istarted my micro entrepreneur status Jan this year, with one Spanish customer. I am pending to receive my numéro de tva intracommunautaire. Currently, invoicing them 0€ VAT. My doubt comes from what changes I need to implement when passing the 34,500€ limit?

1: do I continue charging 0€ VAT? or do I charge them x% VAT?
2: if i do need to start charging them the x% VAT:
2.a: do I need to give back this VAT somewhere?
2.b: where can I find information on what % should the VAT be?
3: I declare my income and pay my social charges in autoentrepreneur, and I also declare on douane; any further steps needed to be done?
4: have I missed out on something?

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