Micro entreprise turnover declaration for Glamping Business in France
· Viewed 1445 times
I am sorry if this has been asked a lot before but I have been looking at previous questions and wanted to just clarify something specific to our business. The business is registered under my partner’s name as a micro-enterprise and we are also registered as a location de meuble de tourism with the Mairie.
I am just filling out the online declaration mensuelle de chiffre d’affaires on netenterprises.fr and the options are :
- 528 ventes de marchandises
- 538 prestations de services
I assume that it is the second one that I enter the income from bookings into. I just wanted to clarify as one of the posts I read on here said that gite turnover should be charged 13.1% social charges which correlates the 528 ventes de marchandises. Many thanks in advance.