Micro-entreprise with ARE from Pôle Emploi

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I have been retrenched on 2 July 2019. I have asked an accountant to help me to register as a Micro Enterprise /AE on 11 July 2019.

My first meeting with Pôle Emploi consultant was on the 22nd of July. At this meeting in my broken and misunderstood French I have gathered that I am not allowed to start an enterprise before my Chômage date commenced of 7th August 2019.

Subsequently, I have tried to gather extra information, but as all of France was on holiday no one could assist.

I want to know the following.

  1. I want to start an enterprise while still receiving the assistance in the form of the AER grant, as it will take some time to get the business to be profitable. I have not done anything to the current registered business, or opened any bank accounts.
  2. In order to do this, what exactly do I need to do? I have recieved my Siret no from INSEE, but I see that they have backdated the business to 1 July 2019.
  3. I have read something about a 45day period for registration of the business for aid via Pole Emploi. I am not sure of this information, and I have passed this point already.
  4. If I can’t use the current business for commencing because of the requirements of Pôle Emploi, do I have to de-register it? Can I re-register it again? How long will that take?

I am really lost, and all of this because I could not get any clear cut answers from Pôle Emploi or from the Accountant that registered me, because everyone took one month holiday.

So in the end, I want to do business and receive my monthly chomage while growing the business. What is the best way forward for me?

Thank you for your help and advice

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