Micro Social Regime for Cotisations

· Viewed 1879 times

We have received some information from the RSI regarding our cotisations.  We have just set up our business 01.01.09 and specifically requested, by recorded delivery, to pay our cotisations on the micro social regime, (Pay as you earn) as we understand. The information we have received from the RSI has no mention of this anywhere. The documentation mentions 3,000 euro contributions etc, asks for a dossier to be completed and our bank details.

How do we know whether we are on the payment system we asked for and more importantly how can we ensure that we are before we send off these details? I have a feeling that it is wrong as we asked for prevelment liberatoire trimestrielle and they have send us forms for paiment par prelevement automatique. I would be really grateful for any help or advice.

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