Microentrepreneur registration queries: activity type and l’assurance maladie

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Hi Valérie

I would like to set up a microentreprise as a proofreader in english (correcteur/reviseur en anglais), correcting english on websites, articles and texts. I may undertake general office administrative work as well, if I can’t get enough proofreading work.

In order to register I went to this site https://www.lautoentrepreneur.fr/ and from there I was directed to the registration form here https://www.cfe.urssaf.fr/autoentrepreneur/CFE_Declaration

1. In relation to “activité” etc these are the options that I chose:

“Domaine” I chose “secretariat, organisation, services support aux entreprises”
“Votre activité” I chose “correcteur lecteur independent”

Are these the most appropriate domaines and activities for me?

2. In section 7 I am asked for a further description of my activity for which I entered “revision et correction de textes”, is this ok? Do I need to add anything else eg “et autres services”

3. Assurance maladie Section 8:
I am currently covered as a dependant of my husband as he has a microentreprise. I am not employed and intend to be exclusively an autoentrepreneur so in answer to the question for “regime d’assurance maladie actuel” I entered “Autre”
Then I was asked to “Choisissez l’organisme conventionné par la Sécurité sociale - Indépendants pour votre assurance maladie” the options are:
Harmonie Mutuelle
Mut Est
RAM Professions Liberales
Les Mutuelles du Soleil
As far as I am aware, I am not covered with any of these, my husband and I are currently covered with Previfrance.
Or, is this asking me which organisation I want to choose NOW, not the one I am currently covered by? Confused!

4. Will the setting up of my own microenterprise cause confusion regarding my carte vitale which is currently being processed (as a dependant of my husband) Do I need to inform them, or will it automatically somehow sort itself out?!

5. Finally, which regime will I come under eg Professional liberale, commerciale etc? Will I be required to attend a “stage”? And is there anything else you think I need to be aware of in relation to my chosen activity?

Thanks in advance

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