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I got this email from the tax office several days ago and am slightly confused.
Ces documents auraient dû être souscrits avant la date limite de dépôt
indiquée ci-dessous.

Période du 01/01/2023 au 31/12/2023
Numéro et intitulé de la déclaration : CFE1 - Déclaration initiale de COTISATION FONCIÈRE DES ENTREPRISES - 1447‑C
Article 1477-II du Code général des impôts
Date limite : 31/12/2022
I looked up the documents and your videos (Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver) and found this document for the enterprise established one or two years ago.

However, I registered my business in 2019. I honestly don’t remember I filled out this form, though. I changed my professional address in September 2022 because I moved to a new place. FYI, I changed from a PO box address to my home address, and the district has been changed. Do you think I have to turn in this form because of the change of address?

Also, I paid for my CFE in December. And probably this document is irrelevant to this payment. Did I understand correctly?

I emailed the tax office but am unsure when they will get back to me and if I can understand their explanation, so I am leaving my questions here, too.

Thank you very much in advance!

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