More carte de sejour renewal questions

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I need to be more clear about what the Prefecture was asking for. Here are the exact words:

Une copie du bail commercial ou du contrat de domiciliation ou, en cas de domiciliation de l’entreprise dans votre local d’habitation, une attestation de domiciliation sur papier-libre.

I believe I am in the last category - that is, my home is my office. Can you provide some language in French to respond to this request.

Also, I wanted to double check about the marge bénéficiaire. You mentioned that I could subtract running expenses and social charges. The social charges (cotisations) are what I pay URSSAF, yes? But now I see in a recent post that auto-entrepreneur’s don’t take expenses. Can you clarify? Can I subtract expenses. If so, what kind of expenses would these be?

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