Moving from auto-entrepreneur to regime réel - how and when?

· Viewed 1668 times

I registered as auto-entrepreneur as an agent commercial (immobilier) 2 years ago, but after earning next to nothing I ceased this activity in July this year. We have a gite which we have previously declared direct to impots as it wasn’t our main source of income. However I now want to start doing chambre d’hotes and table d’hotes and fishing holidays. Due to the start up costs which I want to be able to offset against income, I believe that it would be best to move to the regime réel system.

How do I register the new activity (I haven’t come out of the auto-entrepreneur system)? Can I add the table d’hotes and gite activity via the auto-entrepreneur website and then the tick the box on my quarterly declaration to indiciate that I’m moving to the regime réel, or is it more complicated than that?

What would be the relevant APE code that I would need to use and on which quarterly declaration would I tick the box if I want to start under the réel regime in January 2014, i.e. the one due by the 31st October or the one due at the end of Jan 2014. What other steps do I need to take? I have already registered the chambre d’hote at the local mairie as I have had a few bookings this year.

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