Moving from employment to opening a business in France?

· Viewed 1652 times

In Jan 2012 I will be over 2 years on a CDI with current employer and in Feb 2012 I will leave to start my own business with a partner (50:50). The new business will be mainly online, however clients will occasionally come to office (partner already has an office which he runs another one of his businesses from). Staff will be primarily auto-entrepreneurs carrying out short projects in beginning.

  1. What type of business to set up, I imagine SARL as partners?
  2. How long to set up?
  3. Where do I go to set it up and fill out the paper work?
  4. Is this information made public?
  5. Approx. cost to set up?
  6. Can you advise of any French accountants who speak good English and are affordable who can advise me on best accountancy methods for the business, preferably online or on the phone like yourself?

Start up funding / aid

  1. Will I be entitled to any form of payments/assistance on leaving my old employment and starting new business?
  2. Will I keep my carte vitale and rights?
  3. Can I work as an auto-entrepreneur at same time as setting up new business or indeed take on short term cdd jobs?

Banks. Having a good relationship with bank manager is important. My credit rating is currently fine, no problems. But as soon I stop receiving a fixed monthly salary they will see me as less attractive or not eligible for loans. Would it be best that I approach bank now for a personal loan, for a car or something, which I can use towards the business? For bank account for the new business, should I stay with my current bank in France? Is it difficult for foreigners to get small business loans etc?

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