Mutuelle Action and RSI form

· Viewed 1618 times

wonder if you can help me with a question I suppose many UK pensioners with Carte Vitales must ask themselves. I have received a form from RSI to fill in declare my choix du medecin traitant (I assume they want the name of my doctor) and they have given me a numero de immatriculation. Does this number replace my carte vitale number?

At present as UK pensioners, my husband and I both have carte vitale’s (mine comes under my husbands number) I am over 60 and my husband is over 70. I realise that I will have to conform, but do I need to declare my husband as a co-jointe beneficiare.  He is a bit jittery about anything to do with his carte vitale as he has a heart condition and accordingly lengthy prescriptions.  He does not participate in anyway in my business. Finally does my doctor need to sign this form?

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