My first déclaration mensuelle de recettes?

· Viewed 1295 times
  1. Please may I just check I am getting this right for my business here in France. I am activité libéral and therefore, as I understand it, I need to pay 22.9% of my monthly turnover plus 0.2% of my monthly turnover. For example, if my Activities Relevant De la CIPAV is 2,000 euros for the month I need to pay 22.9% of this, which would be 458 euros. And for the Formation Profession Libérale I would add 0.2% of the 2,000 euros which would be 4 euros. Total to pay 462 euros. Is this correct?
  2. And I believe this does not include my French income tax. I need to pay this in one year. I will declare this in May, or would it be June, which is when my business started?
  3. Also, as I am paying for four months this time, can I send one cheque for the full amount or would it be better to send four cheques?
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