My husband is an auto-entrepreneur, do I also get health cover and how?

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My husband started his Auto-entrepreneur business February of this year, we just received notification d’immatriculation au Regime Social des Independants from RSI in Limoges. We made an appointment to visit them last Thursday to complete the form, we thought this would be better than putting the form in the post. The lady was very helpful and asked us if we has heard anything from RAM about our medical cover for our carte vitale, we said no, we were still waiting and believed it may take a long time, she emailed RAM while we were there.

Today my husband has received attestation d’ouverture des droits and declaration de choix du medecin traitant which we and our chosen doctor have to complete. But it only has my husbands name for beneficiaire, will I be covered under his card as I do not work, or will I receive my own paperwork in the next few days?

We both have had social security numbers, we put these numbers on all paperwork and for me to be covered as well, which is all ok and my husband still kept the same number. As we came to France January 2008 and both had E106 forms and obtained our carte vitales for two years, but owing to the new rules of November 2007 we would no longer be covered by the French state for medical cover after two years and had to return our carte vitales to the CPAM office at Gueret. We have had private medical insurance with Exclusive Healthcare since, which we will change to a top up insurance once l everything is sorted out.

All my paperwork, birth certificate etc was photocopied with my husband’s before in 2008 at CPAM and it seeems that my husband’s datails have just been transfered and RSI have everything they need, so I guess mine will be too, do we just complete the declaration de choix du medecin traitment and wait for the carte vitales or will paperwork come through for me? Do I need to do something else which I am not sure of and how I do it?

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