My social security number does not seem to be recognised?

· Viewed 1843 times

When I moved to France first I was put under my French partners social security number as an ayant droit. I worked for 1 day as a temp and then set up my business as an auto-entrepreneur and several months later I was contacted by Social security to send them photographs so they could issue me with my own carte vitale. When I received my carte vitale they had also issued me with my own social security number on it.

However, if I swipe my carte vitale on the borne automatic at CPAM it still shows that I am under my partners social security number and when I am getting a reimbursment for going to the doctors the social security and the mutuelle refund is showing under my partners account on If I type my social security number on the site ameli it says my number is not recognised. Do you know why this is?

Secondly as an auto-entrepreneur do you know if I can be on my partners mutuelle which is linked to regime generale de la securite sociale? Or am I obliged to be on a different mutuelle as I understand I may be on a different regime as an auto-entrepreneur?

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