N de dossier and N de poste on SSI letter

JT Griffin
· Viewed 873 times

I need to send Securite Sociale Independants (SSI) some information (my passport and birth certificate). Within the letter, I was sent there are three things at the start: ‘References’, ‘NIR’ and ‘Caisse’.

On the envelope given to me, to send information back, there are three bits of information I need to give: ‘Caisse’, ‘N de dossier’, and ‘N de poste’. ‘Caisse’ is obvious, but I am not sure what information to put for ‘N de dossier’ or ‘N de poste’? Does this relate to the ‘References’ and ‘NIR’ information or is it someting else? I can’t see reference to these terms anywhere else…

Thanks in advance for your help,

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