NAF code for consultant profession liberale?

· Viewed 1601 times

I need help to find a NAF code for a profession liberale activity associated with CIPAV for the retirement. I work as a science writer but currently have a NAF code which is classed as a PL with RSI for the retirement (7490B = activites specialisees, scientifique et techniques diversees), which means that my cotisation would be higher (20.3% instead of 18.3%). The trouble is I cannot tell which NAF codes are with CIPAV and not with RSI, and have finally after 6 months got my assurance maladie with RAM PL, so do not want to change anything there.

I have tried scientifique consultant / redaction scientifique and edition scientifique without much success. I started my activitiy in July and now need to make my first online declaration before the end of the month and this code seems to be getting in my way i.e. URSSAFF seem to think I’m with RSI because of my NAF code and RSI seem to think I’m with URSAFF, because of my PL activity and as a result there’s no declaration online to complete.

Does anyone out there also do consulting work for pharmaceutical or healthcare companies and have a NAF code which is associated with CIPAV for retirement, paying 18.3% cotisation? If so please let me know, as I would like to get this sorted as soon as possible. Many thanks in advance for the help!

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