NAF Code problem

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Hello, my wife and I want to sell Info products about horse education for the English speaking market. We are taking horses in training, get the permission of the owner to film the training. My wife is training them and explains every step she is doing and I film and edit everything, so that horse owner can do that with their horse at home. We will have a landing page and a sales funnel to sell our future products. For the traffic, we buy Facebook ads. They buy our info product, get access to a membership site where they have permanent access and where the can watch our horse training videos, download pdf’s or ebooks.

To avoid to pay social security taxes for revenue we decided to start a SAS. We are President and CEO but we are not paying any salary to ourselves. We both have a half day job to pay the invoices. In our statute we described our activity like this: “La production, la diffusion et la vente de support pédagogique concernant l’équitation
L’achat, la vente, la prise à bail, la location, la présidence, la participation directe ou indirecte par tous moyens ou sous quelque forme que ce soit, à toutes entreprises et à toutes sociétés créées ou à créer, ayant le même objet ou un objet similaire ou connexe ;

Et plus généralement toutes opérations industrielles, commerciales, financières, mobilières ou immobilières pouvant se rattacher directement ou indirectement à l’objet social ci-dessus spécifié ou à tout autre objet similaire ou connexe.”

We got the NAF number 5811Z ( Edition de livres) . Books are not mentioned anywhere. This is clearly not what we doing.
Here are my questions:
1. What would be the correct NAF number
2. If it is something with education, how do we avoid to run into the next problem because maybe we don’t have the right French qualification papers (even my wife was studying for four years in Austria at a horse business school and the diploma is not accepted by the FFE)
3. Should we go with vente a distance and change our statute?

Thanks for your help
Thomas Rast

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