Notification de sortie du régime Auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1678 times

I registered an auto-entrepreneur business in France in April last year as Conseil en Informatique. I declared 26,000 euros during the year. To my surprise, I received a letter in April from URSSAF, Notification de sortie du régime auto-entrepreneur, stating I earned to much and can no longer benefit from auto-entrepreneur as of 31 december 2011.

I have just found your site and have been searching your forum for advice and found this similar case. In this post you refer to Herve Novelli and an article in Les Echos. Where can I find this, will it be helpful?

I’m retired (from Sweden) and I want to keep work to a low limit, this year I estimate turnover to 10,000 euros to 15,000 euros. To switch to rigime reel simplifie doesn’t look very attractive. I’m desperately trying to get a meeting with URSSAF (Charente) to clarify my situation, but so far no luck. Can you please give me some advice on how to act in this case? One other question regarding health care. Since I’m retired, with a E121 (or S1) form, I already have a carte vitale from CPAM, with costs covered by Sweden. I understand that my cotisations includes fees to another healthcare organisation. Is there a conflict here?

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