Notification suite a radiation (from micro BIC to auto-entrepreneur)

· Viewed 1457 times

I have received the above from RSI for 2008 and 2009 asking for 1532.00 with the incorrect social security number and siret number. My microbic enterprise hardly earned anything for 2009. I changed to Auto-Ent in January this year. The back of the documment says: comment sont calculees vos cotisations sociales? Can you please tell me what it is? Have you an email address so I can scan and send them to you as attachments. I can’t do that from this computer.

Also, my accountant is very slow this year and I have had a letter from the tax office (URSSAF) I think wanting my earnings for last year, otherwise they will penalise me. What do I do to get these figures? Can you help?

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