Numero de Securite Sociale regected by the URSSAF website

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I have received by post a “Numero de Securite Sociale” with an advice to create an online account at for the purpose of declaring turnover and paying subscriptions, however, the URSSAF site is rejecting the “Numero de Securite Sociale”...

The number seems to consist of 13 digits of the following format 1 XX XX NN NNN XXX :- the middle ‘NN NNN’ digits are supposed to indicate department and country of birth, in my given number the codes are “00 000”, I read online that for foreign born persons the codes should ‘99 999’ or something similar? The question is, who should I contact? the URSSAF or the ‘Agence de Securite sociale’?

I tried contacting URSSAF via their web ‘contact us’ tool and was directed on an online support phone number with a warning that delays in my declaration and payment are subject to a fine - which wasn’t a lot of help and the phone number is not free which I resent to use given that it is their “Numero de Securite Sociale” and website that are refusing to co-operate not me being a stupid user - I passed them all the data including a screen shot of the website and that should be enough information - sending me off to a phone number is just lazy bad manners. Also my french is not good enough for a support call, I prefer e-mails…

I have requested an appointment in person at the local URSSAF - still waiting for a response… if you can offer any advice or suggestions that would be really helpful. Thanks!

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