Obtaining work in France

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Due to illness in my aging parents who live in the Charante-Maritime region, my wife and I have had to make a hurried move to live with them in France. My wife will be providing some of the Care for my mother and Domestic Chores around the house. Some of which they have asked us to charge for. Our language skills are limited for the moment but we are working hard to remedy that.

Over the past 10 years I have been involved in selling Art as an employed person but also working Self-Employed as a Wordpress Web Designer, Bookkeeper(just qualified, no clients), Salesman, Kitchen Designer and Handyman. I have a number of clients in the UK for who I provide websites and at some stage hope to transfer over my Bookkeeping into the French System (My wife is similarly qualified in bookkeeping and will also be looking to transfer her skills long term.)

I am initally looking to continue with my web clients but also work in property management, dealing with Gites and Second homes (entreprise de nettoyage, conciergerie, remise de Clos, autres services personnels) and providing homme de toutes mains services similar to this list . I have also been asked to assist in working with a property finding service for one of my web clients.

Over the past 14 years my wife has been a housekeeper for a family working in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoons and evenings she has been providing a nanny service, been employed as part of a Care team ( She is qualified to NVQ Level 3 Adult Care) and provided Ironing and Home Cleaning Services.

She is therefore looking to provide Care Services, Housekeeping Services (This could also come under the property management umbrella), Ironing and Cleaning services.

We have both discussed very carefully the future and decided that whilst my parents need care it is very unlikely to be short term. So we need to move here permanently.

Could you give us some indication as to how we might get this underway? Which type of business should we have, should it be separate businesses?

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