Ok to work as an auto-entrepreneur and have a contract?
· Viewed 1580 times
My husband registered as an auto-entrepreneur in January 2012. He is working as a formateur d’anglais, under a 6 month contract with a linguistics institute, non-salaried. He was speaking with someone at URSSAF today who pointed out a clause in their auto-entrepreneur brochure, which states:
Le régime auto-entrepreneur ne peut pas être choisi lorsque l’activité est exercée dans le cadre d’un lien de subordination pour laquelle seul le salariat doit être retenu.
She was quite concerned that he had a contract, even though he is not salaried and is paid via invoices to the institute, who only take on non-salaried AE’s. He prepares all the lesson plans, and there is minimal contact with the institute. Do you see a problem here?