Online access to the date of (re)enrollment as auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1373 times

I’d like to find out if there’s anywhere I can download a document from URSSAF ((unions de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales) that states when I was (re)enrolled in the auto-entrepreneur scheme?

I originally enrolled in November 2014. Because I failed to realise that income reported under the two last months of 2014 would be extrapolated onto the rest of that calendar year, I exceeded the income threshold in 2014 and was pushed to Profession Liberale. After a meeting with URSSAF in April 2015, where I explained my situation, my status as Profession Liberale was annulled, and I was re-enrolled as auto-entrepreneur.

However, in November, I’ve received one bill from RSI (régime sociale des travailleurs indépendants) and one from CIPAV (caisse interprofessionnelle de prévoyance et d’assurance vieillesse). After calling them, both institutions are saying they never received information from URSSAF that I am no longer a Profession Liberale. They’re asking me to send documentation that I am in fact (again) enrolled as auto-entrepreneur.

Unfortunately, I am traveling for work for three months (until mid January), and I therefore don’t have access to the physical document from URSSAF that confirms my re-enrollment. I am also not able to call URSSAF from abroad (their numbers only work in France). Therefore, is there any way I can download documentation that confirms the date of my re-enrollment as auto-entrepreneur?

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