Open an auto-entrepreneur when I already have a SARL?

· Viewed 1613 times

Many years ago I created a SARL with my ex-husband with him as gerant - me and 2 others as directors. The SARL never traded and the tax office told us to put the company to sleep - this was in 2004. I’m now divorced and never heard anything more from ex-hubby or about the SARL. 5 weeks ago I applied for an auto-entrepreneur and ACCRE and have, a week ago, received a receipt and told that the INSEE will be forwarding my siret and my application as auto ent will come as a separate courier after examen de votre eligibilite a ce statut. Is the SARL a problem? Also I understand for ACCRE that you are eligible if you have been made redundant for economic reasons but it’s still not automatic - for what reasons can they turn you down?

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