Opening a dedicated French bank account vs British

· Viewed 1208 times

Hi Valérie,

Firstly just want to say I love the site, very helpful so far.

There is one question I have looked for but can’t find the exact answer.
I’ve just declared the start of my activity as an auto-entrepreneur/ micro entrepreneur, and I’m looking at setting up a dedicated bank account.

The majority of my clients are in the UK and would pay in pounds, my first client is French however. I’ve read earlier that it would be possible to use a British account as the dedicated account, which might suit me as I could transfer the pounds to euros with a site like transferwise to get lower exchange commission.
However does that mean I would have to make the French client pay directly into my British account?

Otherwise would possible for me to have both a dedicated bank account in UK as well as a dedicated bank account in France, and make sure that as soon as any payments arrive in the British account I transfer them to the dedicated French account, using a transfer service like transferwise or revolut?

Or if that’s not possible would I be able to use a revolut or transferwise borderless account as my dedicated bank account? I think legally they count as an electronic money account so not officially a bank, not sure if that would be an issue?

Thanks very much for your help



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