Other activities in addition to an existing micro enterprise

· Viewed 1239 times

I run a small enterprise, which is a micro-enterprise. The problem is that sales have gone down significantly, and so it is struggling.
I don’t want to close it down yet (it may just be the time of year), but I do need to look at other sources of revenue.

Is it OK to do other things while still running this business? How would I make the declarations? How would it affect tax rates etc?

So, can you advise me on how I might register to do these things:

  • freelance editorial/writing work (which could be via UK companies, or French, I’m not sure yet)
  • photography work (here in France)

Other possibilities, to keep food on the table:

  • a part-time job (with salary)
  • claiming social benefits via pole emploi? I’m not sure if I would be eligible, though (or what issues/complications it might raise).

Please advise, as much as possible, how to rgister for these things and what the larger implications may be for my micro enterprise.

Thank you

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