Our online request to close our auto-entrepreneur business declined?

· Viewed 1201 times

We went through the closing of our business in France online following the details you gave us, successfully. We also printed out the closing down form and sent it to the address stated with my signature. We have received the following email today declining the cessation of the business, but do not really understand what we have done wrong, and what to do next. Could you please advise what we should do next as we find the email a little unclear and the details about the Centre de Formalité, as we have not heard of this before.

Le Centre de Formalites des Entreprises de l’URSSAF regionale du LIMOUSIN vous informe que : Votre declaration du 14/12/2016 referencee U8707I798947 a ete refusee car : Message de votre correspondant URSSAF : Bonjour, Depuis le decret N 2015-731 du 24/06/15, les auto-entrepreneurs ne beneficient plus d’ une dispense d’ immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Societes (RCS).Vous devez donc vous rapprocher de votre Centre de Formalite Competent (CC) pour proceder a la regularisation de votre immatriculation au RCS ainsi que pour realiser vos formalites de modification et de radiation. Si vous avez opte pour l’option EIRL, veuillez vous adresser à votre greffe competent pour proceder au remboursement de votre formalite.

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