Paperwork after micro-entrepreneur registration?
· Viewed 1532 times
Following your assistance in registering a micro-entrepreneur business here in France (thanks!) I have now received various bits through the post and I am just trying to ascertain what I have and what I still need to receive/need to respond to. I have my SIRET number. URSSAF / RSI have sent me my reference. I have not received anything from Impôts. I have not received a carte vitale.
- RAM have not sent me a attestation de couverture santé - however, I did receive a leaflet from LaRam and have now been on and registered for an account. They say they will send a password. Do you think this is still to come?
- I have received a blank form from CERFA with the heading DECLARATION DE CHOIX DU MEDICIN TRAITANT - I think this looks like a claim form?
- I have a letter from AG2R LA MONDIALE - I’m not sure if I should be filling this in and returning it?
- I have a letter titled Registre Des professionals, Formulaire d’inscription - It appears to be an invoice for 234.24 euros. Just wanted to check that this was something I should be paying and not a scam. If so, please can you clarify what it’s for?