Paperwork and payments for a gite complex?
· Viewed 1927 times
I run a gites complex in France with my husband and have a few questions:
- I keep a basic spreadsheet of all our income, do I need to produce an invoice for every booking?
- Sterling income goes into a private bank account in joint names in the UK and Euro income goes into our joint personal French account. Is this OK or do I have to have a business bank account?
- You have advised that receipts of costs should be kept, I have a file full of them - do they need to be recorded in any other way?
- We’ve had the business for 2 years and have just become aware that we should have registered as meubles de tourisme to benefit from a higher turnover and lower cotistations. Am I right in thinking that we must stick to a turnover of maximum €32,600 and not €86,000 until our rating has been confirmed by the profecture?
- We have recently been rated as 3 stars, once the certificate comes through from the prefecture what do I need to do to benefit from the higher turnover and lower cotistations?
- Having been rated does this restrict how much we can charge?
- Until now we have been paying 21.3% on all turnover, we serve food on request and I am wondering if we should only have been paying 12% on the food sales?
- For sales in Sterling, when it comes to working out my cotistations what exchange rate should I be using?