Party plan in France?

· Viewed 1663 times

I have just registered as an auto-entrepreneur. My husband and I have been approached by a couple of UK based companies which run successful party plan businesses in the UK. In the UK they work by having reps who would be self employed and would earn commission on any product sold. If the rep was to persuade someone else to do the same job that rep would also earn a small % of what that person sold and would effectively be their manager. This usually involves providing advice and support. Both of the companies would like us to bring their products to France in two ways:

1. To have a website in French through which orders would be placed which we would pass onto the UK HQ. They would fulfil the orders in the UK and then we would get commission on anything that is sold.

2. To advertise this opportunity to other people in France who would then be able to sell the product in their own areas as an auto-entrepreneur. They would earn commission and we would earn a % of that commission for recruiting them. We would also provide telephone support as they got their business off of the ground.

My husband who is not working yet in France would register as auto-entrepreneur and would manage the sales websites and a recruitment website featuring both companies. He would earn commission on any sales and a % of sales his recruits made. My question is would this work legally here in France? What are implications we would need to think about?

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