Pay extra charges to CMU to ensure carte vitale?

· Viewed 1827 times

My husband has been told, by a very helpful advisor from MSA, that as he isn’t currently working the required number of hours (1200 per year) in his gardening business. He has been advised that he must only pay solidarite cotisations to MSA -  which will not cover him for healthcare etc. And he needs to pay extra charges to CMU to ensure his carte vitale remains valid. CMU say no, he cannot choose who he pays cotisations to and that he must remain with MSA despite the problem with the solidarite not actually qualifying him for anything.

I can see us being batted back and forth with this one for a while. Would it be possible for my husband to be an ayant droit on my (imminent) carte vitale whilst still working in his gardening business or could he set up as auto-entrepreneur doing bricolage or something to run alongside his existing business (a paysagiste) and pay cotisations to RSI, thus ensuring his carte vitale is up and running again?

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