Paying your first cotisations

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I have read with interest several threads about paying your first cotisations and where people have put two quarters onto the first return. I registered for auto-entrepreneur in early April and received my first declaration in Q3 for payment by 2/11/09. It stated quite clearly it was for the 3rd trimestre and I only entered turnover for Q3 thinking they would ask for Q2 at some time in the future when they got their act together. My instinct tells me that I should do something about it but my gut reaction is to wait until they say something. I am now wondering what other people would do?

Since sending RSI a cheque for Q3, I seem to be awash with paperwork from them about the carte vitale. Having been with CPAM / URSSAF and paying URSSAF quarterly on my pension income, they have taken my son off my card and added him to my wifes card. Our cards are all ok and there does not appear to be a problem. However, will I have to continue paying URSSAF and RSI as well or just RSI in the future ?

Lastly, when I received the declaration for Q3 I noticed the boxes for entering the amount of sales made in the qtr. Having sent the form in, it has bugged me that they can charge 13% of that figure. My business is a service but I supply goods to enable me to do my work. Sales are equivalent to about a quarter of my turnover. I can understand being charged 13% of the profit I make on each item, which I would consider to be fair, but 13% of the cost seems crazy.

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