Pension rights for a conjoint collaborateur?

· Viewed 1600 times

We changed the principal activity of our auto entrepreneur business to autres services personnels. We did this at the Chambre de Commerce in Gueret. This made our pet sitting business the principal activity. My wife has been conjoint collaborateur since we started in November 2013. I pay the trimestrielle cotisations and we have aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (Accre) and régime social des indépendants (RSI) .

We have never been asked for any payments for the conjoint. Our advisor at the Chambre des Métiers in Gueret told us that there have been no demands for conjoints since auto-entrepreneur started and it was a mess. What do I need to do to find out about her pension rights and would it be worth it? I also wondered if a reduced pension is paid if you have paid less quarters - what’s the minimum requirement?

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