Personal taxes for an Auto-entrepreneur

· Viewed 794 times

I’ve set myself up on autoentrepreneur and Impots.gouv for professionals. I’ve entered my bank details.

I’m wondering if I need to do the same with Impots.gouv for personal taxes. I’ve created an account with my tax number but couldn’t find a place to enter my bank details so I’m wondering if it’s not relevant.

As an autoentrepreneur paying quarterly (first return due in July), am I right in thinking that the taxes calculated by URSSAF quarterly include my personal taxes or will I be taxed further on my earnings?

Did I understand correctly that I should do a quarterly return, and then in April / May 2021, I will need to complete my personal tax return for Impots Particuliers and show the entirety of my earnings (e.g. dividends, etc.), and only then will Impots.gouv ask for payment if anything else is due?

I hope this makes sense. I tried calling Impots yesterday but they only answer urgent calls.

Thank you!

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