Prefecture meeting about my business here in France?

· Viewed 1502 times

I’m hoping to benefit from your business in France expertise once again. I am preparing for my meeting at the prefecture to have my carte de sejour changed to allow me to work as a profession liberale. I have my auto-entrepreneur paper from INSEE (with SIREN and SIRET) and have registered with a group for retirement. I have heard nothing regarding my carte vitale. I see by the thread that I may have to contact them directly. Do I need to do this before my meeting?

Do I need to do anything else to have all my paperwork in order? I have received my first tax form, but I believe it is for that last quarter, where I have had no income even though my business started on 28/12/09. Do I need to send in the form, with no income marked? And, finally, I cannot seem to find the address for my local URSSAF office so that, if I need to, I can go in person to ask them questions. Can you tell me where to find this information? (I live in the 4th arrondissement of Paris).

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