Prélèvement à la source
I am closing my micro-enterprise as a Prof Liberale down now. ( For information, I have an LMNP which is now very successful and I hope to turn this into something which is more commercial, next year, to be able to earn me some additional trimesters).
However, I have received an email from the bureau d’impot which tells me :
“Nous vous rappelons que la date limite de paiement de votre avis de CFE et/ou d’IFER 2019 est fixée au 16 décembre 2019 minuit”
This year, (2019) I have concentrated all my efforts on the LMNP and not on the prof lib enterprise, so my revenue for the prof lib is zero. Do I still need to create the tax file for the impot for prélèvement a la source, since I have earned nothing this year, in this environment for prof lib?
Or should I close down the Prof lib immediately, since I just don’t use it now?
Thank you very much for your help. Regards