Problem with the auto-entrepreneur declaration form

· Viewed 1618 times

I have tried a number of times to complete the auto-entrepreneur declaration form but have come across a block at section 10 - Personne demandant à beneficier de votre assurance maladie. I fill in my wife’s name, click on the button “not allocated a Social Security number yet”, highlight “Feminin” and insert her date of birth. I then click on “à l’étranger” and highlight Royaume-Uni, put my wife’s town of birth in answer to “Commune”, highlight “Conjoint” and nationality “Britannique”. This is all the information I am asked for.

All should be OK but when I click on Valider I get a message that I have not included the département de naissance but it is there. Where I have inserted my wife’s town of birth under Commune, is this what is wrong? What else can I provide there for information? On filling in Commune higher up the form against my details, I have inserted the name of my town of birth and it has been accepted. I have phoned the Chamber of Commerce for advice but they don’t seem to have any ideas at all.

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