Problem with URSSAF and withholding tax

· Viewed 607 times

I am a non-resident (living and normally paying tax in the EU). Last year I rented our French holiday home via Airbnb and wish to be tax compliant and use the micro BIC regime. I registered with the cerfa 11921-07 form and received a memento fiscal with Siret number from the SIE local to the French property last October. I have set up l’espace professionel on impots.gouv . Unfortunately, I must have ticked something wrong during my applications, as SIE are under the impression that I have an employee (I don’t) and they have been sending warnings about non-payment of withholding tax and potential fines. (I think this relates to having an employee? Or is this incorrect?)

They advised me to rectify this with URSSAF, but I cannot even access the URSSAF portal because I do not have a French Social security number (being resident in Ireland). I was directed to to make DSI? declarations, but this just refers me back to the site. I had hoped to simply submit a tax return at end of year to pay tax on a modest rental income, but the system is so complicated! I am at a loss and hoping you can offer some advice and assistance please.

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