Problems paying charges on 1st quarter of the year - Auto Entrepreneur.

Matt P
· Viewed 787 times

Dear Valerie,

I started my business operation on 1st February and have opted for the compte auto-entrepreneur with payments Trimestriel au 30. I am a teacher in the private sector in France and have a teaching site that has become paid access (customer base is International Schools around the world).

However, when I try to start the process using my URSSAF account, I get a notice saying:

Aucune déclaration n’est attendue actuellement. Si vous avez débuté récemment votre activité, en application de la réglementation, un délai de 90 jours doit s’être écoulé entre la date de votre début d’activité et votre première déclaration de chiffre d’affaires. Nous vous invitons à vous connecter à l’issue de ce délai pour déclarer votre chiffre d’affaires et payer vos cotisations.

90 days have certainly passed since the commencement of activity but when I look further at my Calendrier des échéances, it says:

Vous déclarez votre chiffre d’affaires réalisé    Début de saisie             Exigibilité
1er Trim 2020                                   01/07/2020 00:00:00       31/07/2020 12:00:00

So, it would appear that I can’t declare the first three months until July. Perhaps this is as a result of Covid-19 but there is nothing on the site to suggest this. Additionally, I have not received any letter or email notification from URSSAF asking for payment. Incidentally, 2 trim payment is also due in the same time period.

Do you have any advice or can you confirm this delayed declaration date for auto-entrepreneurs?



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