Process for getting mutuelle with French business
· Viewed 1223 times
I have been delaying for a long time making my Mutuelle (EURL), because it’s so complicated, but now I just need to fix this.
If I understand correctly there are two types:
1. Obligatory Mutuelle.
a. Is it from one certain company or do I have to compare different options?
b. How is it exactly called in French?
c. How are payments normally done? I’m renewing the contract with my clients and I haven’t yet had any income this year, because we are negotiating. I am working and have income but it will just be paid later when we have a contract formed. Do I have to pay something every month based on what I will earn this year or how this is arranged in my case?
2. Additional mutuelle, that I know how to do.
Thank you very much for an advice.