Process to cease a LMNP (meublé de tourisme classé)

· Viewed 650 times

A few years ago (with your valuable help!) I registered to become a Loueur Meublé Non Professionnel /LMNP ( seasonal, meublé de tourisme classé)  using my secondary house.
Airbnb declared my earnings automatically to the Bureau of Impot, and the value was pre-filled on the form 2042 of my annual tax declarations. 
My annual earnings were ALWAYS very much lower than the limit of 23000 euro ceiling for the non-professional status.

I recently sold my primary house and have subsequently moved into my secondary house, where we now want to live. (Retirement!)
I therefore want to change the status of my home from a secondary home to primary.
For information,  I have already closed my airbnb registration, and made all of the tax de sejour declarations for 2021 with the local mairie.

My questions are :

1.  I have read information on line which advise that I need to complete the form “P2P I” to close the LMNP (to radiate myself with the Greffe - to cancel the SIRET).  Can you confirm, please, that this the correct form that I should complete?

2.  I have obviously changed my address. Therefore, should I send a first form to modify my address, and then follow it up with a second form to radiate myself?
Or can I do both (that is, a modification PLUS a radiation) on the same form?

Thanks in advance for your help with the above questions
Best regards

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