Profession libérale and auto-entrepreneur business clarifications?

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This issue has finally been settled and the law enabling the professions libérales to opt for the regime micro fiscal business in France has been published in the Journal Official on 18 February 2009. I am a very confused.

I am registered with URSSAF as a profession liberale business, under the category of enseignante, since March 2008. I am getting conflicting replies from URSSAF, from CIPAV and from the auto-entrepreneur hotline. Luckily, I came across your blog!! Apparently, I can’t switch to the AE status and opt for the regime micro fiscal because I was registered before January 1, 2009. According to URSSAF, there is a new law which will be passed in May that would allow the professions liberals that are registered before January 1, 2009 to switch to auto-entrepreneur. Do you know anything about this?

Also, I’ve been told that if I want to stop my business activity, and re-register as an auto-entrepreneur, I can only do so after a period of inactivity of six months, said one source, and next year, said another. Also, another reply I got was that it is too late for me to switch to the regime micro fiscal simplifie, as the deadline for application was March 31, 2009. I should wait until next year. Could I please get some clarifications on all this?

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