Profession liberale classique?

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I started freelance consulting (as a subcontractor to another consulting company) and was convinced that I would need to set up a EURL for my billing purposes. But after consulting a lawyer and reviewing the risk element with him, etc., his recommendation is that I set up under the profession liberale classique as he called it. I cannot do auto-entrepreneur because I would go over the ceiling. I was told all I needed to do is to register at URSSAF. In going through the form at the URSSAF site, however, I have some questions, and have no idea what to select in the question of regime d’imposition des benefices, or regime TVA.  I also don’t know how to answer the question on my current insurance status (under my spouse’s coverage).

I feel like I’m going in a circle trying to find a relevant phone number to call someone at URSSAF. Previous experience with them doesn’t make me feel that I can find someone to explain/counsel me on how to answer these questions. Where should I go? Also, I wanted to confirm as of when I could start billing as the work is actually already done and so I need to figure out what are the appropriate details to put on the facture.  Did I understand right that the work can only have started 15 days prior to the declaration with URSSAF?

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