Professional Liberale social and fiscal taxes and NetEnterprises
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I have completed the documents for Professional Liberale for teaching language and have received my siret/siren numbers. I am now trying to create my account on the NetEnterprises, while watching your video, and have a few questions please. (I logged out from completing everything, and need to go back to finish it).
- You mention that you can opt for monthly or quarterly declarations, but I havent seen this yet in my registration. (There was no option on the PO PL declaration, either. Is it relevant to professional liberals? ( and, If “ yes”, where do I find this option, please?)
- If I register for monthly declarations, , then (having declared to set up from mid august), when should my first declaration be made?
- The setting up pages are slightly different, and I cant find a option to pay by cheque. Has this option ceased?
- I read recently that if the turnover is not going to be high, then you dont need to open a separate bank account - “loi pacte”. Is this really the case?
- I have read your check-list for completing my declaration, and one of the points was did you opt for micro fiscal regimeI have checked my original declaration form, and it says Vous relevez du regime micro fiscal -spécial BNC. Option pour le versement libératoire de l’im sur le revenu calculé sur les recettes with an option of “oui” ou “non”. I ticked no. However after reading your check list, I wondered if I had made an error. I am not clear what it means from my tax payment situation. Can you explain please?
For your information, I have received a confirmation from URSAAF of being entitled to the ACCRE taxes benefit. Also I heard that Macron has declared no taxes for the first year of business for a new microentepreneur enterprise. Is this correct ?
Thanks for your help with the above.