Proof for Pole Emploi for Auto-entrepreneur/ non-salarié activités

· Viewed 438 times

I am both receiving chomage via Pole Emploi and freelancing as a auto-entrepreur as of July 2022.

I made the mistake of opting for trimestrielle declaration with URSSAF in 2022 (I have changed this to monthly for 2023).

I declared to Pole Emploi non-salarié activities in Oct 2022 and Nov 2022 (4eme trimestre 2022), PE said don’t declare the turnover just the hours worked and provide proof from URSSAF of these declarations, but I cannot because I cannot make my declarations for these to URSSAF until Jan 2023 (due to my calendrier d’echeance), any idea of what I should do / what I should provide them with?

I’ve already been on the phone with Pole Emploi multiple times, they just keep asking me to provide justicatifs from URSSAF.

Thank you!

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