Property taxes on LMNP
Hello Valerie
I run a LMNP with a secondary property.. I have been doing this for 2 years (all properly registered with the mairie etc).
1. I read a number of articles last year which advised that, if you were LMNP and become “classée » for the property that you rent out to tourists, then one of the benefits is that you become exempt from tax d’habitation and fonciere on the property in question . So I had the property classed by the tourist board and received my certificate and attestation of classification, which I sent to the Mairie and to the tax office.
However, I have recently received an avis of tax foncière and tax habitation for the property, for the amounts as if it was a secondary house that is NOT rented out but used for personal purposes.
Is this an error? Should I have been exempted??
2. I was not classée in the first year of being LMNP, but my local taxes were still as if it was a secondary home, used for personal purposes and not for business purposes. My question is, for the first year, should my taxes have been less than that of a secondary home, under the circumstances?
Thanks for you advice on this.
Best regards.