Psychotherapist registration requirements?

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My partner is a piano teacher and will set herself up as one in two month’s time. She is also a qualified psychotherapist in Gestalt therapy. In a years time she will want to set up her own practice again. However, first she will need to renew her licence. In order to do so she will have to find local clients to start working with them. Then she will have meeting(s) with a Therapy Supervisor to renew here licence based on her new work.  She will be able to do this supervision with a recognised Gestalt specialist in Paris.

  1. Are there any special requirements to practice as a psychotherapist in France? Will her qualifications be recognised or will she need to pass any exams etc.?
  2. I think this would come under category of prof liberale again with registration in URSSAF?
  3. What name of the profession and code should she register under?
  4. What would be the best option for someone setting up as a sole trader who offers two different services in terms of paying social charges, taxes etc?  Bearing in mind that she will start psychotherapist’s work later. Would she need to form two separate auto-entrepreneur, one for music tuition and one for psychotherapy? Or can she just add one profession to another in one sole trader company?
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