Purchases and TVA deduction reset each year?

· Viewed 814 times

Hello Valerie.

I am an auto entrepreneur who passed the 32,900 threshold this year for services so I am registered for TVA. As far as I understand it I am able to claim back TVA on business purchases. I took your advice and got an accountant to do this.

My question is what happens on my purchases in early 2020? Will I still be able to claim back TVA at the begging of next year or would I have to wait until I pass the threshold again later in the year. I deciding whether to buy an expensive new computer and whether I should do this before the end of the year.

Also not sure if it makes any difference but I am charging clients outside of France mainly in the UK . So not charging TVA, but instead referencing auto-liquidation / reverse charge VAT on my invoices. So I expect my accountant will be making a request for a TVA refund next year.

Thanks again for your help.

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