Qualification needed to become trainer/instructor for swimming in France?

· Viewed 1324 times

I live in France since September 2015 and I am a registered auto-entrepreneur business (profession liberale / formatrice des langues) since October 2015. In addition to giving German classes I would like to give swimming lessons. I am German nationality and I hold a swimming license B of the swimming association in Berlin. I have been working in a second job as a swimming coach / instructor for the last 23 years.

  1. How do I find out that I am entitled to give classes in France - what qualification is needed (is my German qualification sufficient)?
  2. How do I register this second activity with my auto-entrepreneur business - can I just add an activity via the website?
  3. At the auto-entrepreneur business site in France I found the possibility to be registered as an Animateur sportiv independent. Would that cover giving swimming classes to kids and adults?
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